Granted we had a long spell of rain in June, we're well on our way to growing some great veggies. We picked two green peppers, but they ended up being really bitter for some reason. I think we may have picked them too early because they were pretty small.
The green beans are coming in nicely and taste delicious! Our 2-year-old daughter likes them so much that she ate a whole bowl raw. (She helped me point out some of the veggies, as you can see.)
Our tomato plant

s are growing out of control! They're so big that they're actually bringing their cages down. There are a number of green

tomatoes. It's just a matter of them getting ripe. My husband just realized our tomatoes have the late season blight. It basically creates mold on your tomatoes and you have to kill the whole plant. Luckily it didn't hit too many plants. Unfortunately, the solution is to rip out the whole plant so it doesn't infect any other plants.
My husband has also

been battling the deer, groundhogs, squirrels and birds. They just about ate our cucumbers down to nothing. But the plants still have some life left in them. Hopefully within the next 2-3 weeks, we'll have an edible cucumber. Check out this one -- almost ready for salad!
Carrots and lettuce are slowly progressing. The groundhogs di

d a number on the Romaine lettuce and spinach. We would be eating those already if they hadn't been demolished by our rodent friends. That said, they're making a nice comeback.
We've had a few ja

lapenos - yum! We're also growing potatoes, which should be ready to harvest in the fall. Hubby got excited a picked a few cute, little red potatoes.
In addition, we've been getting our weekly deliveries of farm-fresh produce through Catalpa Farms, our local farm share that we participate in. It lets us try a variety of new vegetables, including kale, fava beans and garlic curls.

Some people have garden gnomes. We have a garden cat...
I'd love to hear how your garden is growing. Have you been able to harvest any veggies?
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