Many companies today are beginning to "think green," but when it comes to partying, they may forget all about it. Here are a few tips for eco-friendly company galas (Many of these ideas are inexpensive too). If you are looking for more in depth information, just contact us.
- Avoid choosing paper anything unless it's treefree or 100% recycled and printed with vegetable inks.
- If you are giving gifts, make them earth-friendly. Potted plants make great centerpieces and can be given away.
- Instead of centering the party around food and drink, come up with some fun activities that may include poking gentle fun at management.
- Provide drinks in pitchers, punch bowls or glass bottles. Avoid disposable cups and plates.
- If you're having the party catered, seek out one who emphasizes sustainable, local and organic food.
- Giving out awards? Choose from recycled glass awards, fair trade picture frames, organic chocolate bars etc. You can find these and others at and
- Have your party early enough in the day so that lights are not necessary. If you use decorative lighting, ensure that it is LED or solar.
- Serve fair trade, organic coffee (shade grown if possible) and/or tea.
- Plan carefully. Avoid overpurchasing food. If you have leftovers, compost, send home with guests or donate if you can. Unopened bags, boxes and cans can be taken to a local food bank.
- Consider having your party or celebration benefit a local cause. Invite guests to bring books for local book drives, coats for a coat drive, school supplies or whatever else your local community needs.
- Clean up with eco-friendly products and be sure to place recycling bins where guests will use them.
Brought to you by Lynn Colwell and Corey Colwell-Lipson are mother and daughter and co-authors of Celebrate Green! Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family, available at

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